
Simplifying billing of charging data for HR and fleet managers 

Webasto integrates its ChargeConnect infrastructure into Cloud ERP systems via an add-on, thereby automating charging session billing in company parking lots, among others.


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Gilching – March 8, 2023 – Webasto, systems partner for electromobility and one of the leading suppliers in the automotive sector, offers companies a new add-on for its Webasto ChargeConnect software that allows easy integration of the charging data backend into cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. This allows fleet operators to quickly and easily set up employee user groups and automatically show charging sessions in company parking lots on employees’ payroll accounts. The Webasto ChargeConnect software’s new reservation function also enables fleet operators and employees to allocate and book charging points for predefined time periods to reduce downtime and charging queues.


The new add-on in detail


The ERP add-on for the Webasto ChargeConnect software allows fleet and HR managers to easily bill their employees for charging sessions via their payroll accounts. This requires them to create a group of employees who are allowed access to the charging points in the company parking lot. With the aid of the Webasto ChargeConnect app, users can then conveniently start the charging session at the charging point via Scan & Charge or 1-Click Remote. Alternatively, RFID cards can be used to identify charging point users. The new add-on then automatically transfers the charging data to the linked cloud ERP system. This not only gives companies greater transparency regarding fundamental charging behavior in the company parking lot, but also allows them to import their employees’ charging data directly from the Webasto ChargeConnect Cloud for precise billing at the push of a button. The add-on offers full flexibility in the way it is used. Individual charging sessions can be tracked, charging data can be retrieved for individual time periods, employees can be assigned different charging capacities which can be subsequently posted, and individual charging tariffs can be defined for different user profiles. Simultaneously, EV drivers no longer need to pay manually at their workplace charging point.


Less stress in the company parking lot


Webasto has also added a new reservation function to the Webasto ChargeConnect software that ensures better utilization of company parking lot charging points. The feature also makes use of the group function and offers authorized members the option of reserving a charging point for a selected period of time. Once the reservation has been made, only the corresponding users can gain access to the reserved charging point during the period booked. User group administrators are able to define in advance for how long an individual charging session may last and the time periods for the reservations. This is how Webasto intends to offer companies more control over their company parking lot charging infrastructure, while simultaneously reducing stress for EV drivers looking to charge their cars.


“Our smart charging solutions already allow us to offer EV drivers and companies alike sophisticated hardware to conveniently charge EVs or even entire fleets. However, the hardware is only as good as its software, which is why we are continuously developing our Webasto ChargeConnect software infrastructure,” comments Dr. Michael Bauer, Executive Vice President Charging Systems at Webasto. “The latest features of our software environment now allow us to address the business sector, where we want to greatly simplify the increasing effort and expense of billing charging costs. With the new reservation function, we also want to better organize access to charging points in company parking lots.”

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